Speakers Unlocking Sources conference

Unlocking Sources

The speakers appear in alphabetical order.


Abi Barber – “Europeana Collections 1914-1918 – The Learning Microsite”

AB3In her role as Web Content Developer at the British Library, Abi was responsible for researching and coordinating the content for ‘World War One’, a new learning website that is one of the Library’s contributions to Europeana Collections 1914-1918. The site brings together collection items from across Europe, with content provided by all project partners, exploring the war from a pan-European perspective. Abi is currently Learning Programmes Manager, with responsibility for programming educational workshops, resources and conferences for students and teachers. In April 2014 she will be working in partnership with the English Association and Historical Association to host a joint conference for English and History teachers, exploring the possibilities for cross-curricular teaching of the First World War.*



Hans Bauer – “Türen im Kaninchenbau – Wohin führt welches Portal? Internetthemenportale zum Ersten Weltkrieg unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Angebote zu Ost- und Südosteuropa”


Hans Bauer studierte Slavistik und Geschichte Ost‐ und Südosteuropas in Regensburg, Warschau und München. Während seines Studiums war er als studentische Hilfskraft am DHI Warschau sowie fünf Jahre lang am Osteuropa‐Institut München tätig. Nach seinem Studienabschluss als M.A. an der LMU München arbeitete er im Bereich Corporate History der HypoVereinsbank München, um schließlich als Bildungsreferent in die internationale historisch‐politische Bildung einer gemeinnützigen NGO nach Dresden zu wechseln.

Seit 2011 konzentriert sich Hans Bauer zunehmend auf das Bibliothekswesen: zunächst als Mitarbeiter der Öffentlichen Bibliothek Emden. Seit 2013 ist er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IOS zuständig für den Dokumentenserver zur Osteuropaforschung OstDok.

Contact: hbauer@ios‐regensburg.de  | www.ios‐regensburg.de | www.ostdok.de

Martin Bayer – “It’s not just a Game! The First World War and Computer Games”

Martin Bayer portrait-klEducation: Photographer (Lette-Verein Berlin, 1994), BA War Studies (King’s College London, 2003), Master of Peace and Security Policy Studies (IFSH/University of Hamburg, 2004). Co-founder/CTO of “Neue Medien für Kids” (edutainment software, 1994-1998), COO of “Terratools” (computer games, 1999-2000). Since 2008, his project “Wartist – Connecting War and the Arts” addresses the artistic examination of war, including a bilingual blog and organising various art exhibitions on historic and contemporary conflicts.





Daniel Bernsen – Digital sources in teaching of history and didactics

Portrait klein_160Teaching history, French and Spanish language at a secondary school in Koblenz and working as regional counsellor for history teaching in the school district of northern Rhineland-Palatinate. Since 2009 blogging (in German) about media in history education:





Dominik Bohmann – “Die französischen Kriegsgefangenenzeitschrift Le Pour et le Contre (1916-1917) – Von der Beinahezerstörung über die Digitalisierung zu einem neuen Kapitel der Regensburger Stadtgeschichte”

Bohmann, Dominik 001-klgeb. 1988 in Straubing (Niederbayern); 2008 Abitur, 2008-2009 Wehrdienst (Panzerpionierbataillon IV, Regensburg), seit 2009 Studium der Deutschen Philologie, Französischen Philologie und Sportwissenschaften (Lehramt Gymnasium), Universität Regensburg; 2010-2013 Zusatzausbildung „Deutsch als Zweitsprache“; 2011-2012 Assistenzlehrer Pädadogischer Austauschdienst, Lycée Gustave Monod u. Collège Georges Pompidou, Enghien-les-Bains (Großraum Paris); seit 2013 Mitarbeit am Forschungsporjekt zur französischen Kriegsgefangenenzeitschrift Le Pour et le contre, Institut für Romanistik, Universität Regensburg, Prof. Dr. Isabella v. Treskow



Laurence Boudart – “Zeugnisse, Erinnerung und Kriegsliteratur im französischsprachigen Belgien”

LaurenceLaurence Boudart (Belgium, 1975) studied Translation Studies (French-German-Italian) at the École d’Interprètes Internationaux, Université de Mons (Belgium) and holds a PhD in Modern Literatures at the Universidad de Valladolid (Spain). She taught French as a foreign language, Translation and Belgian Francophone Literature at the Universidad de Valladolid between 1997 and 2012 and she currently works as a researcher at Archives & Musée de la Littérature in Brussels. Her research interests are: Belgian Francophone Literature (19th and 20th century), relationship between Translation and Literature and School Discourse.


Zsuzsanna Brunner – “An meine Völker – Die Erster-Weltkrieg-Bestände der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek auf Europeana (The First World War-Collection of the Austrian National Library on Europeana)”

Brunner Zsuzsanna-KLHistorian, Librarian, Teacher and staff member of the Research and Development Department of the Austrian National Library since 2012.

She is responsible for the creation of metadata and dissemination; she graduated in German and History from the Eötvös-Loránd University in Budapest, in History from the University of Vienna and in Library and Information Studies from the Austrian National Library.




Jill Cousins – Welcome (Europeana)

Jill Cousins - Black and White #3 - High ResJill Cousins is the Executive Director of the Europeana Foundation, responsible for Europeana.eu, and Director of The European Library.  She is on the Board of Globethics and advises on the development of other digital libraries. She has many years experience in web publishing, which are now being applied to the libraries and the cultural heritage arenas.  Her past experience includes the commercial publishing world as European Business Development Director of VNU New Media and scholarly publishing with Blackwell Publishing, running their online journals service.  Prior to publishing, she had a variety of marketing and research careers in the information field.  These ranged from being the Marketing and Event Director for Learned Information (Online Information) to managing her own research company, First Contact.



Daniel Groth – “Searching for Traces of 1914 in the Museum”

  • 2006-2011: Studium für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen mit den Fächern Geschichte und Englisch an der Universität Siegen
  • Seit 05/2012: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Siegen (Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kuhn)
  • Seit 05/2012: Mitarbeit im Projekt „Spurensuche 1914 im Museum“  des LVR-Industriemuseums (Regionale Kulturförderung NRW)
  • Seit 10/2012: Promotionsvorhaben „Die Musealisierung des Ersten Weltkrieges – Darstellungsformen von Krieg und Gewalt seit 1945 im deutsch-österreichischen Vergleich (Arbeitstitel)


Susanne Popp / Miriam Hannig – “Der „Ausbruch“ des Ersten Weltkriegs in internationalen Geschichtsmagazinen: Ausgangspunkt für digitale Lernmaterialien mit interkulturellem und medienkritischem Schwerpunkt”

Miriam Hannig studierte an der Universität Augsburg das Lehramt an Grundschulen mit dem Unterrichtsfach Geschichte und absolviert zudem den Masterstudiengang “Fachdidaktische Vermittlungswissenschaften – Mediating Culture” mit der Kombination Geschichte und Kunst. Seit 2012 ist sie als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Augsburg und koordiniert das EU-Projekt EHISTO (European history-crossroadsaspathwaystointerculturaland- mediaeducation). Sie ist zudem als Freie Museumspädagogin und Kunstvermittlerin, unter anderem bei den Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen, tätig.



Gregor Horstkemper – “Von Daten und Diensten: Angebotsformen bibliothekarischer Informationen und Services zum Ersten Weltkrieg”

foto_horstkemperGregor Horstkemper graduated from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in history and social sciences in 1988. After working as a history research assistant for several years he joined the Bavarian State Library in 2001. Since 2008 he is Head of the Centre for Electronic Publishing and subject coordinator for history at this library. His main focus are open access publishing, expert information on history and digital humanities.

Gregor Horstkemper schloss ein Studium der Geschichte und Sozialwissenschaften an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum im Jahr 1988 ab. Nach mehrjährigen Tätigkeiten an zwei geschichtswissenschaftlichen Fakultäten wurde er 2001 Mitarbeiter der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Seit 2008 leitet er dort das Zentrum für Elektronisches Publizieren und ist Fachkoordinator für die Geschichtswissenschaft. Zu seinen Haupttätigkeitsfeldern zählen das Open-Access-Publizieren, geschichtswissenschaftliche Fachinformation und digitale Geisteswissenschaften.


Chryssoula Karamatsiou  – “The  Allies of Greece during the First World War and the case of “L’Armée d’ Orient” :  creating History from  digitised  sources”

Neues BildDr. Chryssoula Karamatsiou is working as a philologist and history teacher in secondary education in Athens, 6th Gymnasium of Zografou. She has completed her Phd Thesis (2009) on the “Action and the Rhetoric of Moslem political leaders in Thrace : From the Young Turks to the Kemalists, 1918-1920” in the University of Athens. For the past few years she has been elaborating issues on History didactics and the use of ICT in the classroom, but also still working in the research field of the history of Thrace in 20th century. As a High school teacher she has taught in Greek schools abroad, (Germany and Constantinople, Turkey).


Ognjen Kovačević  “Digital historical sources in teaching”


  • University of Belgrade, Serbia, Faculty of philosophy, Department of Contemporary History, Phd student
  • University of Latvia, Riga and University of Belgrade, Serbia, Faculty of Philosophy, Master historian; cumulative GPA 9,43/10
  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Graduated historian ; cumulative GPA 8,05/10


Work experience:

  • National library of Serbia (Narodna biblioteka Srbije), Skerliceva 1, 11000 Belgrade, librarian of legal deposit department, working on a learning part of educational portal Velikirat.nb.rs (October 2012-)
  • Secondary school of music „Kosta Manojlović“, Nemanjina ulica nr 9, 11080 Zemun;  Professor of History of civilization and history of culture, (september 2008 – september 2013.)
  • Elementary school „Lazar Savatić’’, Kej Oslobodjenja br 27, 11080 Zemun, History teacher (september 2007 – october 2012 )
  • Elementary school, „Sutjeska“, Backa ulica, 11080 Zemun, History teacher  (september 2007 – october 2009.)
  • Elementary school ’’ Gornja Varos’’, Svetotrojicna ulica, 11080 Zemun, History teacher (september 2008– october 2009)


Jörg Lehmann – “Digital sources in historical research – The users’ perspective”

Jörg_Lehmann_kleinDr. Jörg Lehmann currently works as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Stuttgart.
He has studied history as well as literary criticism; his research interests range from depictions of violence in the media to the sociological analysis of symbolic forms. He is the author of Imaginäre Schlachtfelder. Kriegsliteratur in der Weimarer Republik (Phil. Diss. FU Berlin 2003) and has published widely on conflict-related topics.

Dr. Jörg Lehmann arbeitet gegenwärtig als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Stuttgart. Er hat Geschichte und Literaturwissenschaft studiert; seine Forschungsinteressen reichen von Gewaltdarstellungen in den Medien bis hin zu einer Soziologie der symbolischen Formen. Er hat die Monographie Imaginäre Schlachtfelder. Kriegsliteratur in der Weimarer Republik (Phil. Diss. FU Berlin 2003) verfasst und zahlreiche Beiträge zu konfliktbezogenen Themen publiziert.

Yohann Le Tallec – “The path to the war: French Press, Public opinion and the murder of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo (June-July 1914)”


Yohann Le Tallec is Head Assistant of the digitization service (BNF) and in charge of the European and international research programs in the field of digitization.






Linda Levi – “Records of the New York Office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1914 – 1918”


Linda Levi is Assistant Executive Vice-President of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), where she directs the JDC Global Archives, one of the most significant collections in the world for the study of modern Jewish history. The JDC Archives include 3 miles of text documents, 100,000 photos, an oral history collection, over 6,000 books, and 1100 other audio-visual materials. The JDC Archives are situated in two centers, New York and Jerusalem.

Ms. Levi has served as a senior executive at JDC for over 25 years. Prior to her current position, she was Assistant Executive Vice-President for Program Planning and Budget for JDC’s global operations. She has traveled extensively to the organization’s programs across the globe including many European countries, the former Soviet Union, Latin America, Africa and Asia, and Israel.

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) was founded in New York in 1914 as a response to the plight of Jews in Europe and Palestine who were facing hardships and starvation during World War I. Since then, the JDC has become a humanitarian assistance organization helping Jews and non-Jews the world over in times of need.


Hans-Jörg Lieder – “Europeana Newspapers Project: Value, Access & Sustainability”

FotoHans-Jörg Lieder (Berlin State Library) works with the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) and has a sound background as a manuscript librarian, in which area he has worked for about 15 years, lastly as the head of the German national union catalogue for modern manuscript materials, Kalliope. As the present head of the German Zeitschriftendatenbank (German Union Catalogue of Serials) he has changed his focus of attention to serial materials – mainly journals and newspapers – and is currently coordinating the EU-funded Europeana Newspapers Project, in which 18 European partners will provide more than 18 million newspaper pages to Europeana

Contact: hans-joerg.lieder@sbb.spk-berlin.de


Kate Lindsay – “Embedding Community Collections within the Community: user-generated content to support public-engagement, education and knowledge exchange”

untitledKate Lindsay, Alun Edwards and Ylva Berglund Prytz run the Crowdsourcing and Community Collection Service (RunCoCo) based at the University of Oxford. They developed the Oxford Community Collection Model which has been used to drive the Europeana 1914-1918 project, as well as other crowdsourcing initiatives. You can visit their website and blog at: http://projects.oucs.ox.ac.uk/runcoco/ or follow them on Twitter @RunCoCo. They are part of the Academic IT group at the University of Oxford, with a wider remit to support and progress the use of digital technologies for teaching and learning, public engagement and knowledge exchange.

This presentation will be delivered by Kate Lindsay, Manager of Education Enhancement. Kate has been the Principle Investigator and Project Manager for a portfolio of other First World War digital projects, including: The First World War Poetry Digital Archive (http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ww1lit), The Great War Archive (http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/gwa), and World War One Centenary Continuations and Beginnings (http://ww1centenary.oucs.ox.ac.uk/). You can follow her on Twitter as @KTDigital.

Contact: runcoco@it.ox.ac.uk

Emanuele Martinez – “The experience of the Great War between the digital sources and family memories”

Neues Bild (2)Storico dell’arte, curatore per il Museo Centrale del Risorgimento di mostre storico documentarie e dei progetti di didattica museale interdisciplinare. Ha collaborato alla valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico degli Ordini religiosi (Camilliani, Francescani, Cappuccini, Scolopi). Nel 2010 ha curato, per il Comune di Roma, la progettazione dell’allestimento del Museo della Repubblica Romana. Attualmente svolge attività di consulenza scientifica, per i patrimoni storico-artistici e fotografici, per la Marina Militare italiana e per il Corpo delle Infermiere Volontarie della Croce Rossa Italiana. Incaricato dalla Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale della Città di Roma per la catalogazione dei beni del Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi di catalogo sulle fonti storiche dell’Ottocento e del Novecento.

Art historian, curator of the Central Museum of the Risorgimento exhibitions of historical-documentary projects of interdisciplinary museum education. He collaborated on the development of the artistic heritage of the religious orders (Camilliani, Franciscans, Capuchins, Scolopi). In 2010 for the city of Rome he edited the preparation project of the Museum of the Roman Republic of 1849. Currently conducts scientific advice to the historical-artistic and photographic heritage, for the Italian Navy and for the Red Cross Volunteer Nurse Corps. He was charged by the Special Superintendence for the State Museums of the City of Rome for the cataloging (works of art, antique weapons, memorabilia) of the National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo. He has published numerous catalog essays on the historical sources of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries


Sönke Neitzel – Forschung, Öffentlichkeit und Erster Weltkrieg”

©pak1508_113-klSönke Neitzel, Lehrstuhl für Internationale Geschichte an der London School of Economics and Political Science. 1994 Promotion, 1998 Habilitation, lehrte an den Universitäten Mainz, Karlsruhe, Bern, Saarbrücken und Glasgow. Seit vielen Jahren berät er Medienanstalten im In- und Ausland bei Fernseh- und Kinoproduktionen über den Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg.

Seine Forschungen befassen sich vor allem mit der Militärgeschichte des 19./20. Jahrhunderts. Über den Ersten Weltkrieg publizierte er zuletzt „Weltkrieg und Revolution 1914-1918/19“, Berlin 2012.




Manlio Piva – “Geolocating the First World War: itineraries and trenches on the frontline along the Piave River and Mt. Grappa”

PHOTO PIVAResearcher in Media Studies at the University of Padova where he teaches “Theory and Techniques of Mass Communication” and “Cinema and Audiovisual Literacy”. From 2000 he has been active in the media literacy field and has coordinated laboratories and classes for teachers. On the topic he has published extensively including a manual (2009). His field of interest is also in history of film technology. He has published on sound techniques and on the sound aspects in Robert Bresson’s cinema (2004).






Ad Pollé – “Online resources for the centenary – New ways to discover the First World War on Europeana – Europeana 1914-1918”

Ad Pollé #2Ad Pollé has dedicated his professional as well as his personal life to cultural heritage. He has a background in book publishing and in audio-visual archiving and restoration. In 2012 he joined Europeana to help provide access to Europe’s digital heritage as a member of the Distribution and Engagement team, focusing on user generated content.  He currently manages the Europeana 1914-1918 and Europeana 1989 projects. Being Dutch he likes to make long bike trips all over Europe, trying to combine this as efficiently and pleasantly as possible with culinary adventures.


Susanne Popp / Miriam Hannig – “Der „Ausbruch“ des Ersten Weltkriegs in internationalen Geschichtsmagazinen: Ausgangspunkt für digitale Lernmaterialien mit interkulturellem und medienkritischem Schwerpunkt”

Neues BildProf. Dr. Susanne Popp ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Augsburg. Sie ist zudem Präsidentin der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik (International Society ForHistoryDidactics (ISHD)).

E-Mail: susanne.popp@phil.uni-augsburg.de

Curriculum Vitae: Susanne Popp

  • 1974-1980 Studium der Fächer Deutsch, Geschichte und Sozialkunde für das Lehramt an Gymnasien an der Universität Regensburg
  • 1981 Erstes Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien
  • 1983 Zweites Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien
  • 1983-1987 Studienrätin für die Fächer Deutsch, Geschichte und Sozialkunde am Gymnasium (Waldkirchen)
  • 1987-1993 Akademische Rätin a.Z. an der Universität Passau
  • 1993 Promotion (Dr. phil.) an der Universität Passau mit einer Dissertation zu einem bildungsgeschichtlichen Thema (Daltonplan)
  • 1993-1997 Referentin am Staatsinstitut für Schulpädagogik und Bildungsforschung (ISB), München, sowie Unterrichtstätigkeit an Münchener Gymnasien
  • 1997- 2000 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Geschichte (Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Erdmann) an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • 2000-2002 Professorin für Geschichte und ihre Didaktik an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Weingarten.
  • 2002-2006 Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik der Geschichte, Neueste Geschichte an der Universität Siegen
  • seit WS 2006/07 Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Augsburg
  • Rufe:
Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten (2000), Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd (2002), Universität Siegen (2002), Universität Duisburg-Essen (2006), Universität Augsburg (2006)
  • seit 2004 (Mit-)Herausgeberin des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Fachjournals auf dem Gebiet der Didaktik der Geschichte yearbook-jahrbuch-annales
  • seit 2006 Vorstandsmitglied der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik
  • seit 2006 Leiterin des Arbeitskreises “Welt- und globalgeschichtliche Perspektiven für den Geschichtsunterricht” bei der KGD (Konferenzfür Geschichtsdidaktik)
  • 2007-2011 Vorsitzende der Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik KGD
  • seit 2010 Mitglied im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat des isrealisch-palästinensischen Schulbuch-Projekts “Portrayaloftheother” im Auftrag des US-Senats unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Bruce Wexler
  • seit 2010 Mitglied im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat des DHM (Deutsches Historisches Museum)
  • seit 2011 Vorsitzende der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik
  • seit 2011 Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe “Geschichte” im Arbeitskreis “Globales Lernen” der KMK (bis 2013)


Pierluigi Sanzovo – “LINKED_IN – A digital network which links the stories of 30,000 young Europeans”

Neues BildPierluigi Sanzovo / Giavera del Montello (Treviso) – ITALY
Art historian, work in the field  of restoration and conservation of cultural and artistical heritage in Italy.

President of the cultural association for the Ecomuseum of The Montello Hill, in Veneto Region of Northern Italy, born to preserve, interpret, and manage the cultural  heritage for a sustainable development of the area.

Since 2009 directs the project emotional  museum of the  Great War at Giavera del  Montello, Italy,  to develop projects for the centenary of the First World War.

Contact:  piersanzovo@virgilio.it | www.ecomuseodelmontello.org | www.museoemotivo.org

Barbara Schneider-Kempf – Welcome (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)


© Reto Klar

Director General of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.


Thorsten Siegmann – “Online resources for the centenary – New ways to discover the First World War on Europeana – Europeana Collections 1914-1918”

DSC_6560cThorsten Siegmann ist Projektkoordinator des Europeana Collections 1914-1918-Projekts und seit 2011 in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin als EU-Projektkoordinator beschäftigt. Interimsweise hat er dort auch das EU-Projekt Europeana Newspapers koordiniert. Von 2008 bis 2011 hat er als Wissenschaftlicher Volontär und Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Institut für Museumsforschung – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin gearbeitet, dort das EU-Projekt euromuse.net koordiniert und in weiteren EU-Projekten mitgearbeitet. Thorsten Siegmann hat an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Kulturwissenschaften studiert.
Thorsten Siegmann works as the project co-ordinator of the Europeana Collections 1914-1918-Projekt at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz. He has also been the interim co-ordinator of the Europeana Newspapers project. Between 2008 and 2011 Thorsten worked for the Institute for Museum Research – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. There he was the co-ordinator of the EU-funded project euromuse.net and contributed to several other EU-projects. Thorsten has studied Cultural Sciences at Europa-Universität Viadrina.



Steven Stegers – “Stimulating the use of digital heritage in history education”

StevenStegersSteven Stegers (MSc) is the Deputy-Director of EUROCLIO – European Association of History Educators where he works since 2006. He is responsible the management of three long-term programmes (Innovating History in the Black Sea Region, Mediterranean Dialogues in the Euro-Med region, and Historiana – Your Portal to the Past). He has been involved in the implementation of events related to the promotion of innovative and responsible history-, heritage and citizenship education in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Steven has been consultant to the International Baccalaureate, Anna Lindh Foundation and KAICIID Dialogue Center.

Contact: steven@euroclio.eu | https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenstegers

Adrian Stevenson – “Wrapping and Unwrapping History: What’s Gained and What’s Lost”

untitledAdrian Stevenson is a Senior Technical Innovations Coordinator at Mimas, a national centre for technical innovations and data hosting based at the University of Manchester.

Adrian has been working on a range of projects since being at Mimas: ‘WW1 Discovery’ (http://ww1.discovery.ac.uk/), ‘Linking Lives’ (http://archiveshub.ac.uk/linkinglives/), Digital Humanities @ University of Manchester (http://bit.ly/15Oclx, and a technical review project for the Manchester Museums and Galleries Partnership. These projects are primarily about advocating open data as well as implementing open APIs (application programming interfaces) and Linked Open Data technologies.

Adrian previously worked at UKOLN managing the LOCAH Linked Open Data project (http://archiveshub.ac.uk/locah/), the JISC Observatory project (http://blog.observatory.jisc.ac.uk/) and the SWORD project (www.swordapp.org).

Adrian has played the guitar for a number of years in various bands, and has made several records. He’s a director and trustee of the Manchester Jazz Festival (http://www.manchesterjazz.com/), blogs about jazz (http://theringmodulator.blogspot.com), writes occasional reviews for the Jazzwise magazine website and hosts a radio show on Manchester’s ALL FM 96.9 station.


Julia Welter – “Online resources for the centenary – New ways to discover the First World War on Europeana – European Film Gateway”

welter_bwJulia Welter currently works as the project manager of the EFG1914 project, which is co-ordinated at the Deutsches Filminstitut (DIF) in Frankfurt. For over six years she has co-ordinated several EU-funded projects, such as the “EFG – The European Film Gateway” and the MIDAS project, which initiated the web portal “Film Archives Online”. Before this she was a member of the “filmportal.de” editorial staff, a web platform for German film, and was in charge of the archive of the German production company “CCC”, which is held at DIF. In this context she curated an exhibition and edited a publication. Before she started working with DIF, Welter worked with the library of the Georg Büchner research centre in Marburg. Julia studied at the University of Marburg, Germany and the University of Portsmouth, England. She holds (a Masters Degree/ an MA) in German and English Literature and in Film Studies.



Emanuela Zilio – “Immersive Storytelling”

EZ_photoEmanuela Zilio is co-founder and Project Manager of Digital Distillery Srl , a company that has been working on research since 2010 to create new communication models and strategies, promoting the integration of new technologies – such as Natural Interaction, Augmented Reality, Immersive Reality, etc. – with other languages (Journalism, Art, Science), as well as developing highly customized platforms, apps, tools and services.

She has a Master of Science in Politics, Policy and Society in Contemporary Europe from the University of Bath (2001) and a PhD in Languages Science also from the University of Siena (2003) where she focused her research on New Media Visual Languages.

She developed her professional experience and improved her skills through working on individual and team projects in Italy as well as abroad. She believes that learning never stops and that curiosity is the seed of critical thinking.